Therapy methods can help physical symptoms and the body feel better, but most importantly, occupational therapy practitioners want to help people to be able to do things that are meaningful to them—to enjoy life again!
We draw on our extensive education and experience with biomechanics, anatomy and physiology, neuroanatomy, and physical rehabilitation methods—all applied in practice with an approach that helps the body improve in the context of real life activities. As occupational therapy practitioners we focus on real life activities in the real world!
Living with a complex pain or health condition is a life disrupting experience. Our engagement with work, relationships, social life, recreational activities, self-care, shopping, and so many other activities, is affected. Often, the pain or health condition becomes the primary focus of our lives—and we find our days and weeks consumed by healthcare appointments and symptom management—rather than engaging in activities that are meaningful and enjoyable for us.
As occupational therapy practitioners, we are the healthcare professionals who specialize in helping people re-assess and re-design their lives for healthier and happier living.
As the original “life coaches” occupational therapy practitioners have over 100 years of study and practice in supporting people to “live life to the fullest,” and learn “skills for the job of living!”
The ability to enjoy life is necessary for restoring and maintaining our health. Our nervous and immune systems respond in positive, health restoring ways when we experience joy, gratitude, and meaning in our lives.
Often, when living with pain or other health conditions, we have difficulty laughing, playing, and experiencing joyful moments. Our feelings may be dominated by fear, uncertainty, discouragement, grief, guilt, or shame.
It takes courage, self-compassion, and creativity, to process through our emotions and renew our joy in life.
The best therapy is fun therapy. Laugh and enjoy life!